Saturday, January 17, 2009

Utter Humiliation.

Sigh.I got my L license already,it is in my pocket now.Today,I sat for my pra-driving test..You need to sit for this exam,and pass it,in order to sit for the real exam..Okay,so,i passed it.But,not perfectly,not beautifully,not gracefully,no not nothing at all.Shit,the first thing i have to do is to what Mendaki Bukit.Here,is all this humiliation began.I will explain briefly only okay?So,the first mistake,I did not lower the handbrake when I want to daki the bukit,the car made noise,and someone had to tell me to lower it,and that looked bad,as many people watched me in such embarassing situation.Fine,that is first.Secondly,I did not release the clutch completely when I was braking at the bukit there,so the car kept sliding down the bloody slope.At first I did not know what was wrong.I kept trying and the car kept sliding down.WTF?Then,the examiner told me to release the clutch properly,and then I did it.I went down the car,asked him,"Did I fail?"..He answered,"Now no,but in the actual exam,you already failed."..So,should i be grateful that i passed?Heck no I won't.I'm devastated,HUMILIATED!Never mind..We fail to succeed don't we?Others were fine,only this Mendaki Bukit traumatised me.I still have a few hours before the real exam.It is okay.I can do it.At least I think I can.Hmmm,actually,there is something interesting i can blog about too,but it is not important,it actually can be important,but it can't.Sigh,I'm a coward.Never mind..I don't need to blog about it.That's all guys,I need some time to cheer myself up.Take care all.Adios.

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